The CCR Cave Diver Program introduces the diver to basic through complex cave dives involving; line gaps, jumps, circuits and traverses. Practice and build proficiencyusing multiple reels, including; primary, safety, and gap reels while utilizing the eCCR. The CCR Cave course requires 120 minutes more bottom time than OC full cave.introduced to advanced forms of cave diving. Topics covered include the following: CCR Cave limitation, introduction to cave hazards, CCR cave equipment requirements, multiple dive teams with multiple reels, multiple dive teams with one primary reel procedures, recalculation dives, simple and complex traverse procedures, simple and complex circuits, jumping procedures, visual gaps and jumps, reverse jumping procedures, ambient awareness, decompression diving and procedures, stage diving (optional), stage decompression procedures, dissimilar tank turn around procedures, anti silting techniques, trim and equipment streamlining, line protocol and awareness, complex dive planning and execution.Qualifies Dive to: make complex cave dives utilizing CCR Why Cave dive?